Safety of auto-driving had been reviewed and highlighted under the background of “Public Crisis of Confidence” in 2018.
The intelligent driving system application on automobile are expected to return to the focus in 2019, in order to improve the customer experience and safety.
Therefore, the solution of high precision orientation, objection recognition and classification, sensor fusion algorithm and anti-interference technology have come to a point.
The automotive radar summit started since 2018, targeted to establish academic, research and production platform for China automotive radar.
With the common objectives of talent cultivation, cutting-edge technology sharing, product standard generation, production normalization, Beijing Autoroad Technology Co., Ltd. and China Society of Automotive Engineers
will cooperate to holdThe 2nd Automotive Radar Summit during The 6th International Congress of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles Technology (CICV 2019, May 30 – June 1, 2019), as “Automotive Radar Technology” session.
ADAS technology innovation and industrialization development; multi-sensor fusion algorithm and technology development; sensing system application in AEB; radar frequency band regulation update
High-resolution algorithm of automotive radar; 360o surrounding radar application scenario and fusion solutions; machine learning algorithm based on radar data; high-resolution algorithm of automotive radar; MWR’s devotion to high precision map; digital modulation radar’s development direction; MWR interface means and multi-sensor fusion (distributed or centralized); SAR technology development; OFDM radar technology; 3D imaging radar technology
Central computing platform and chip technology of environmental sensing system; chip technology based on OFDM
Radar simulation; radar test; radar antenna technology